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Disability Cover

Secure your financial future with disability cover options providing a lump sum payout of up to R10 million or monthly income payments of up to R100k if you’re unable to work due to an accident or illness.

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Choose a payout from R100k to R10 million

Customise your coverage with disability payouts that range from R100,000 to R10 million, offering unmatched value and comprehensive protection for over 120 conditions.

Use our collection of insurers offering disability cover plans and find the perfect solution tailored to your specific requirements.

Frequently Asked Questions

Disability cover in South Africa: Protecting yourself and your loved ones from life's uncertainties

Disability cover, also known as disability insurance, is a type of insurance policy that provides financial support to policyholders who become disabled and can no longer work. It’s becoming increasingly important as the cost of living continues to rise and people are working for longer periods.

Disability cover provides peace of mind for both the policyholder and their families in the event of an unexpected health issue. Disability can strike anyone at any time without warning. It could be due to a chronic illness, a sudden accident or injury or even a mental health disorder. The consequences can be devastating as it not only affects the person's ability to earn an income but also affects their overall well-being. This is where disability cover comes in handy. It provides financial support during times when you cannot work due to illness or injury.

With proper disability cover, you will receive a monthly payout that will help you keep up with your bills and maintain your lifestyle while recovering from your illness or injury. By having disability cover in place, you can focus on your recovery without worrying about how you will pay for everything else such as food, housing and other expenses while paying medical bills that may occur due to treatment-related expenses.

Types of disability cover

Disability cover can be broadly categorised into two types – temporary disability cover and permanent disability cover. Both these types of disability insurance offer protection to policyholders against financial loss due to a disability, but their terms and conditions vary.

Temporary disability cover

Temporary disability cover is designed to provide financial assistance to policyholders who are temporarily unable to work due to a medical condition or injury. The duration of the coverage may vary from one insurance provider to another, but typically it ranges from six months up to two years.

Temporary disability cover is usually offered as an add-on benefit with life insurance policies, and the payout amount is calculated based on the policyholder's monthly income. If the insured person suffers an injury or illness that affects their ability to earn an income for a short period, this type of coverage can help offset some of their financial losses.

Permanent disability cover

Permanent disability insurance offers long-term protection in case you become disabled and are unable to work for an extended period or permanently. This type of coverage pays out a lump sum amount that can be used for medical expenses or any other financial needs.

The premiums for permanent disability insurance are typically higher than those for temporary cover since they offer lifetime protection. However, this type of coverage provides greater financial security than temporary policies since it can pay out benefits even if you're not able to work ever again.

Both temporary and permanent disability covers provide essential protection against unexpected events that could affect your ability to earn an income. It's important always to compare multiple options from different insurers before selecting a policy that suits your specific needs and budget constraints.

Benefits of disability cover

Financial security for the policyholder and their family

Disability cover provides peace of mind to policyholders because it ensures that they and their families will be financially secure if they become disabled. If the policyholder becomes unable to earn an income, the disability cover will provide a monthly income to help cover living expenses. This financial security can relieve some of the stress that comes with being disabled and allow the policyholder to focus on their recovery.

Coverage for medical expenses and rehabilitation costs

Becoming disabled often means significant medical expenses, including ongoing treatment and rehabilitation costs. Disability cover can help alleviate this burden by covering these costs.

Some policies may even include coverage for home modifications or specialized equipment needed due to the disability. With disability coverage in place, policyholders can focus on getting better without worrying about how they will pay for medical bills.

Protection against loss of income due to disability

Perhaps one of the most significant benefits of disability cover is protection against loss of income due to disability. If a person becomes disabled, it can be challenging or impossible to work and earn a living wage. Disability cover helps replace lost income so that individuals can maintain their standard of living while dealing with their condition. With this protection in place, policyholders can rest assured that they have a safety net should something happen.

Disability cover provides invaluable benefits for anyone who wants financial security in case they or someone else becomes disabled. It offers peace of mind by providing coverage for medical expenses, rehabilitation costs, and loss of income due to disability.

This type of coverage is especially essential if you are self-employed or do not receive benefits from your employer as part of your compensation package. By investing in a good quality insurance plan today – you are protecting yourself tomorrow!

Factors that Affect Disability Cover Premiums


One of the main factors that affect disability cover premiums in South Africa is age. Typically, the older you are, the more expensive your premiums will be as insurers deem you to be at a higher risk for developing a disability. This is because as you get older, your chances of developing certain health conditions or disabilities increase.

However, it's important to note that some insurers offer lower premiums for younger policyholders who take out cover at an early age and maintain their policy over time. This means that taking out disability cover when you're young can save you money in the long run.

Health status

Your health status is another key factor that insurers consider when calculating your premiums for disability cover in South Africa. Generally, those with pre-existing medical conditions may face higher premiums or even exclusions from their policies if their condition poses a significant risk of causing a disability. Moreover, some health factors like smoking or being overweight can also increase the cost of your premium as they are linked to certain health conditions and disabilities.


Your occupation also plays a role in determining your premium for disability cover in South Africa. Insurers assess how physically demanding or risky your job is and how likely it is to result in an injury or illness leading to a disability.

For example, someone working in construction may pay more than someone working in an office environment because of the higher risk associated with physical labour. It's important to note that some insurers offer occupation-specific policies where they tailor their coverage based on the demands and risks associated with different occupations.

Lifestyle choices

Lifestyle choices such as dangerous recreational activities like extreme sports can also influence your premium for disability cover insurance in South Africa. High-risk activities can significantly increase your chances of developing disabilities and so insurers may charge a higher premium to compensate for this risk.

Moreover, some insurers may require you to complete a medical examination or questionnaire to assess your overall health and lifestyle habits before providing coverage. This can help them determine the level of risk associated with insuring you and tailor your premiums accordingly.

How to choose the right disability cover policy

Assessing personal needs and budget

Choosing the right disability cover policy can be daunting, but assessing your personal needs and budget is a good place to start. Before you start looking for policies, consider what you need your disability cover for.

What expenses will you need to cover if you become temporarily or permanently disabled? Will you need to support dependents? How much can you afford to pay in premiums each month? Answering these questions will give you a better idea of what kind of policy will suit your needs and financial situation.

It's important to note that while lower monthly premiums may be attractive, they may not offer sufficient coverage in the event of an accident or illness that leaves you disabled. It's essential that your policy covers all necessary expenses and provides adequate financial security for yourself and those who depend on you.

Comparing policies from different insurers

Once you have assessed your personal needs and budget, it's time to start comparing policies from different insurers. It's important not to simply choose the first insurer or policy that catches your eye. Take the time to explore all available options, read through policy documents carefully (don't hesitate to ask for clarification if anything is unclear), and compare quotes from different insurers.

When comparing policies, look beyond just the monthly premium - also consider factors such as disability benefit amounts, waiting periods before benefits kick in, exclusions (what isn't covered by the policy), and any additional services or perks offered by the insurer. It may also be helpful to enlist the help of a financial advisor or insurance broker who can guide you through this process and ensure that no important details are overlooked.

A final note on choosing disability cover policies

Choosing disability cover is an important decision that requires careful consideration. Assessing personal needs and budgets, as well as comparing policies from different insurers, will help you make an informed decision that provides the necessary protection and financial security for you and your loved ones. Remember to review your policy regularly to ensure that it still meets your needs, and don't hesitate to make changes or switch insurers if necessary.

Frequently asked questions about disability cover

Can I apply for disability cover if I have pre-existing medical conditions?

This is a common question asked by many people who are considering disability cover. The answer is yes, you can apply for disability cover even if you have pre-existing medical conditions. However, it's important to know that your premiums may be higher than someone without pre-existing conditions.

This is because insurers will assess the risk of insuring you based on your current health status and the likelihood of you making a claim. When applying for disability cover with pre-existing medical conditions, it's important to disclose all relevant information in your application form.

Failure to do so could result in your policy being voided or delayed when making a claim. Insurers may also require additional medical examinations or tests before approving your application.

What happens if I become disabled while on the job?

If you become disabled while on the job, you may be eligible for benefits under workers' compensation insurance. Workers' compensation covers employees who are injured or become ill due to their work-related activities. The benefits usually include wage replacement, medical expenses and rehabilitation costs.

It's important to note that workers' compensation benefits vary from one employer to another and depend on the extent of your disability. Some employers offer more comprehensive coverage than others, so it's essential to read and understand your company's policy.

How long does it take to receive benefits after making a claim?

The time it takes to receive benefits after making a claim varies depending on several factors such as the insurance company processing the claim and its complexity. After submitting a claim, insurance companies will investigate and assess whether it meets their requirements for payment within 30 days from receipt of documentation required to process such claims unless there are exceptional circumstances which require further investigation beyond this period. The length of time it takes to receive benefits also depends on the type of disability cover you have.

Some policies have waiting periods before they start paying out, while others offer immediate benefits. It's essential to understand the terms and conditions of your policy before making a claim to avoid any surprises.

Disability cover is a crucial component of any South African's financial plan. The risk of becoming disabled due to an accident or illness is ever-present, and having adequate coverage can provide peace of mind for both the individual and their loved ones.

We have covered the different types of disability cover available in South Africa, including temporary and permanent cover. We have also discussed the numerous benefits that disability cover offers policyholders, including financial security and protection against loss of income.

It’s important to note that several factors can affect premium rates for disability cover, such as age, health status, occupation, and lifestyle choices. Therefore, it is critical to assess personal needs carefully when choosing a policy and compare policies from different insurers.

With appropriate disability coverage in place, individuals can focus on recovery should they become disabled without worrying about financial instability caused by lost income or excessive medical expenses. So don't hesitate to take action today - ensure you have the right coverage in place to protect you from life's unpredictable events!

List of companies offering Disability Cover

  1. Hollard Disability cover


    • R10 Million Disability Cover
    • Protect your Income
    • Cash-back Benefits
  2. Bidvest Life Disability cover

    Bidvest Life

    • Starting from R100
    • Extended Income Protector
    • Temporary Income Protection
  3. Liberty Disability cover


    • Starting from R128
    • R1 Million Disability Cover
    • Comprehensive Cover
  4. 1st for Women Disability cover

    1st for Women

    • R10 Million Disability Cover
    • No Medical Checks
    • Reliable Insurance Plans
  5. Metropolitan Disability cover


    • Starting from R100
    • R4 Million Disability Cover
    • Cash-Back Bonus
  6. Rockfin Disability cover


    • Affordable Disability Cover
    • Easy Online Claims
    • Income Protection Cover
  7. Different Life Disability cover

    Different Life

    • R10 Million Disability Cover
    • Tailored Insurance Plans
    • Competitive Premiums